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Your site is incredible ! The quality and performance of the games like Oil Panic compared to the mame core in Retroarch for Android is years light ahead ! (I wonder why the mame core is SO slow for g&w games in Retroarch)

Also the incredible fact that the games can be played on any android browser at full screen like magic, is just perfect.

I know that you plan to release some application for Android, and I am wondering if until that becomes possible, is there a way to prepare like an offline downloadable version of the subpages or the full site in order to have all the games available without connection. I guess it's not possible, but I don't know the inner works of it.

Thanks for your incredible work !

Thank you and welcome! I put a lot of effort in to optimizing the performance of the RetroFab core (especially the 3D engine) so it's great to know it performs well on mobile too :)  It's still very much in active development so I'll only be making downloadable versions available after I've implemented all the core features. Thanks again for playing and for the feedback.

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Hello! I just found your website and absolutely love it. I do have one request that you may have not considered for a potential future windows program you've hinted to in past commends.

If you could add 'soft launchers,' or some built in way to create a shortcut to a specific title, that way people can import the games easily into their Front-End of choice, such as Launchbox. Thank you for all of the hard work!

 Welcome! Thanks for playing and for the great suggestion. I'll keep it in mind when working on the windows version :)

I appreciate it!

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Here's a little article I wrote in German about your work, Madrigal's Simulators and Sonic McOrigins:

I also have a wish and you would make me a huge pleasure: Knight Rider by Acclaim. I loved this game as a child so much!

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That's great! Thanks for including RetroFab in your article :)
And I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any resources that would make a simulation of Knight Rider possible. 

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An initial build of Knight Rider is available here to preview :)

Great! Looking very forward to the release! :-)

These are simply gorgeous!

I recently went back to my early love for the G&W series and am about to release an original homage to Yokoi's creations, based on an Area 51 scenario. 

I'm also hosting an LCD-style Game Jam next month to try and inspire other devs to express their creativity within the LCD constraints, and was curious if you'd be interested in being involved-- supporting, judging, submitting, posting... anything.

Here is the jam description:

That's sounds great! I'm happy to support your efforts and I look forward to your jam :) 

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Awesome! Welcome and looking forward to your presence!

This sounds pretty interesting, I was also recently thinking how cool it would be to see some uniquely new titles based around the old gameplay style and mechanic.

One thing I found about these old games is some of them had an interesting risk/reward mechanic. For instance on Octopus you could choose to stick it out for a longer time standing next to the treasure chest collecting coins, but the longer you stayed, the greater the risk of losing a life, whereas if you chose a slow and steady collection rate there is less risk but also less reward. I think that this aspect needs to be included in games to make them truly fun.

Totally agree. And Octopus is one of my top three from the series.

I think when these simple mechanics just get thrown into a game as one of a hundred others, they obviously lose their import. Minimalism as a concept attempts to bring our focus back to maybe one thing at a time... as in one note, or one shape, or taste, etc. We have forgotten what's it's like to really taste something when we are cramming many flavour into our mouth at once, and quickly swallowing. 

I kind of feel that only after we appreciate each note independently can we properly begin to build up chords and melodies and so on. Going back to the basics really opens up larger possibilities that we wouldn't see or appreciate otherwise.

This is now officially my favorite site for playing retro hand held games :-)
Keep up the great work!

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Thanks!  I appreciate the feedback <3

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game keeps lagging for there gonna  be a standalone download version for android or pc? 

I will eventually make a downloadable version available once I've implemented all the core features. In the mean time, have you tried reducing the quality in the settings (keyboard shortcut F4)? Also maybe change to one of the simpler backgrounds (like classic or dark) since it uses fewer resources. 

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still lags, even after doing both. makes it real hard to play game and watch. can’t wait for the full release

What are the specs of the device you are trying on?

ipad mini 5

Itizso Thank You so much bro. What your doing is great, I can imagine the process for each game must take time, when possible please can you upload "Konami The Lone Ranger" & "Game n Watch Egg". Also, never played this one " Commodoor Cook & Dog"

I'll be adding Egg and Lone Ranger at some point :) I'll try to find more about the other one. Thanks for the suggestions! 

Hi Itizso! You Should Do Mrs Pac Man Coleco Tabletop For Retrolab!

Yeah, I will eventually add all of the Coleco Tabletop games to the collection, including Ms Pac-Man. I'm currently working on the Pac-Man Tabletop :)

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These are sincerely amazing. Eagerly awaiting the rest of the Game & Watch titles. Specifically Snoopy Tennis, Pinball, Black Jack, and Gold Cliff!

You're doing amazing work for the preservation of classic games.

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Thanks! You can visit RetroLab to get early access to these games when they go into development :)

I'm loving the mobile update! Any chance you could add Bombsweeper next? That one's one of my favorites!

I'm not sure when I'll get to it, but Bombsweeper is definitely on my todo list :)

When you start on this one, let me know. I made a different kind of bombsweeper with the same labyrinths, but didn't make time yet to clear all flaws. More than happy to share it, so you can extract the labyrinths.

Hi Itzso! How Are The Time Out Games Going?

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I still need to find scans of the instructions guides :(


so since the table top snoopy game and watch game is on retrofab.

the panorama snoopy game and watch game is also on retrofab.

But does this mean wide screen snoopy game and watch game snoopy tennis is next to be added to retrofab?

I'll eventually add all the remaining Game & Watch titles, including Snoopy Tennis :) You can preview the simulations currently in development at RetroLab.

Thanks For Adding Judge ;)

You're welcome :) Enjoy!


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Holy crap... these are the best handheld simulations I've ever seen! 



By The Way You Should Try Adding Mego Time Out Games Which Is Basically The First Four Sliver Series Game & Watch Games But With Different Names:

Ball = Toss Up

Flagman = Flag Man

Vermin = The Exterminator

Fire = Fireman Fireman

These would be great. Thanks for the suggestion. I first need to find the scans (packaging & instructions) for most of these. If you post this in the forum perhaps folks who own them can contribute. 

You Added Fire In Your Collection Meaning That Judge Is Up Next! 🥳

Yup :)


dear who made that game:

i saw your game , that great , but can you pls add another lcd game serirs pls, becaise theres a more , like new wildscreen , and other, and keep work i will wait your masterpiece!


Hi Marco. Thanks! More games coming soon :) 
You can click the 'follow' button at the top of this page to be notified as soon as new games are available.

(2 edits)

ok, i'm just going to say it... better.than.mame! not only are your simulations  as good as mame's emulations but your presentation is the best way to experience these games. truly amazing work!

I agree 100% !! 

i love the games but what about the copyright issues? with Nintendo specially. 

I have  no idea but hopefully they'll consider these simulations as a fan work since I derive no income at all from making them but rather share them with others as a way to promote more interest in and appreciation for these early electronic games that are no longer in production. 

Can there someway be a way to download this? for offline play. 

Not yet. But as soon as I've added all the core features to the web version, I'll start work on a downloadable desktop version :)  Keep an eye out here for early access to the downloable prototype when I start working on it.

Do you plan to make CASIO's "Western Bar" game?

I would love to, along with Submarine battle and Heli-battle. But I don't know anyone who owns them with whom I can collaborate with to make a simulation. If you do know of someone who might want to they can contact me through the recently created discussion forum.

Any plans to make it support for mobile phones or maybe even a phone app for all of these games? Gonna love it when you can actually interact the buttons with the touch screen.

Yes. As soon as I've implemented the core features on the web version I'll start working on the desktop and mobile versions :)

Thanks for the reply! Look forward to it.

I've started work on adding support for touch screens :) 
Details available here including a link to a prototype you can test on your mobile phone. 

Awesome! Will give this one a shot soon.

Love this! A couple of soundFX, that isn't correct, but otherwise it's pretty much flawless emulation. Nostalgia overload :D

Any way to add support for gamepads?

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Thanks! Adding support for gamepads is on my to-do list :) 

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If you have an Xbox One, some of the games run ok in Edge with a controller after some fiddling around. See my thread below and also Itizso's response regarding remapping:

I've started adding support for gamepads :) 
Details can be found here on how to test.

Hi Itizso, first of all many, many bravos for your incredible work! I'm a friend of Luca Antignano (Madrigal) and my respect for your works is infinite. Thanks!

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Thank you for playing and for the kinds words :) It's so nice to meet a friend of Luca's! Actually, the first simulation I ever attempted was inspired by Luca's amazing work on Madrigal's Simulators.  Fortunately for me, that first simulation of mine wasn't very good at all, and after reaching out to Luca he was kind enough to help me improve on it. Since then he has generously provided invaluable support on many other simulations in this collection and I don't think this collection would be half as good without his help!  

oooh! this is really really neat!  id hate to trouble you but more elektronika games would be cool! always wanted something like this!

I do want to add more Elektronika games but I'm struggling to find scans of the instruction guides :(  As soon as I'm able to find them I'll start working on the simulations. Thanks for playing!

aww, dw bout it dude! it's still cool!

I have some Elektronika games with manual. Some are original, some are a copy. I can scan them for you, if you want. I have Egg (2 different ones), Mickey Mouse, Space Bridge, Octopus and Chef

Yes, please! I've been wanting to add more Elektronika games on RetroFab and scans  of these manuals would be amazing :)  You can create a new topic in the community forum and post the scans there. 

Having some trouble getting my old scanner to work on my Mac. Scanned the big one @ work and posted it in the new topic i made : ЭЛEKTРOНИKA G&W clones manuals

Thanks for your help with these scans. It's much appreciated. I've downloaded the first set. Hopefully you're able to find a way to scan the others. Thanks again for contributing to RetroFab!

You're welcome. Your work is more than amazing, and i'm glad i can make small contributes to it.

Manuals also available @

Got some ЭЛEKTРOНИKA autoslalom manuals, low resolution unfortunately. Hope they're usable. 

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Hi Itizo! My Favorite Game And Watch Game Is Called Judge And I Would Love To See It In Your Collection!

Hi! I'm working to add all of the remaining Game & Watch titles on RetroFab and Judge should be added to the collection in the coming months :) Thanks for playing!


My mind is blown with every new game added to this collection! I actually still have this Simpsons game and played it again just now to compare and your simulation plays exactly like the original. Actually it's even better with the color screen mod that just takes the experience to a whole new level. Keep up the great work!

Thanks :) 

Deleted post

I will eventually make them available for download once I've finished adding all of the core features. 

Could you add more Mattel games?

Yes :) It might take a while before I get to work on them but I'll definitely be adding more Mattel games to this collection.  

Another Mattel game coming soon :) You can test it out here before the official release.

oh man... your simulation of the simpsons game brings back so many memories. i remember playing this on roadtrips as a kid. it was the only lcd i owned where you could turn off the sound so it was the only game my folks allowed in the car. hehe. i've never been able to find an emulation of this game until today. thank you for letting me play this again after all these years... you are a legend!

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You're welcome :) Yeah,  I wasn't able to find an emulation of this game either, so special thanks goes to Victor Romero of  for contibuting detailed notes and playthroughs of the game that made this simulation possible. 

Hah I'm not alone with the sound! The game's speaker is so tiny and yet so powerful.

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Ok, first of all THIS IS AMAZING!!! I love the fact that you decided to port these games onto a nice website like this, but I do have one question: Will you ever make these available as roms to download so they can be played in emulators and stuff?

Thanks for playing!
Yes, they will eventually be available to download :)

Awesome!!! Do you know when you will do it?

Not anytime soon. I still have more features I want to add to the platform before making it available for download. 

Any chance of porting the Zelda G&W? This is an outstanding collection nevertheless!!

Thanks! Yes, I plan to add all of the Game & Watch titles, including Zelda :)  

Any chance of you doing an emulation of Coleco’s Electronic Quarterback?  

It’s similar to the Mattel football led games, but was the first to have the pass option

There’s this:

I’ve never seen a proper emulation done on this like what you’ve done with the others.   Definitely on my wish list and I bet a lot of others.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll look in to the possibility of doing it :) Although if I did,  mine would be a simulation, so it would not be as accurate as the emulation already available at

Yes, I guess simulation is the proper term.  

Your simulations just give the quality that you are actually holding the game and feel way more accurate than some others out there that aren't as in depth.  

But yeah, that would be great to have Electronic Quarterback in the collection if possible

Thanks for all the hard work you do!

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Further to my Xbox One X observations, I thought you might like to know that I tested on Quest 2 today using the Quest's inbuilt browser. I only tested Donkey Kong dual screen, and it ran ok but did not accept any input from my bluetooth connected Xbox controller even when I attempted to remap the controller buttons in the game settings. It may work with a bluetooth keyboard connected, but I dont have one for testing unfortunately.

I might try and sideload another browser to the Quest 2 such as the Chrome apk version and see if that works any better with a controller.

Edit: I managed to sideload Chrome apk, but results are even worse with regards to controller, still no ability to remap Xbox controller buttons after connecting it with bluetooth, but sadly also lost the ability to press the buttons on the game itself with my Quest controllers (which I can do with inbuilt Quest Browser), I can press the play and other menu buttons with Quest controller, and grab and rotate the device but can't press the onscreen buttons on the game itself. Oh well... hope this helps someone else attempting to do the same.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep these in mind when adding support for controllers.

I've been playing your simulations for a few weeks now and I just discovered you can play the alarms on all the game & watch games! I'm totally blown away by the amount of detail you put into each game. Thank you for making such an amazing collection! 

Thanks! I'm not sure how many folks used the alarm feature back in the day, but with the exception of the the silver series, every Game & Watch had an alarm, each with it's own unique on-screen animation, so I just had to include it :)

You could set them up on your bedside cabinet (I seem to remember a little wire stand pops out from the back of some of them to prop them up), batteries lasted forever so would have made a good alarm clock for kids. I don't think I ever used to wake up to an alarm as a kid though, but handy to check the time.

I have a strong memory of my dad becoming a bit addicted to my Donkey Kong dual screen when I was about 12, one day I left for school and he was sitting up in bed playing it, and when I got home he was still playing and shouted at me to not disturb him as he was getting a high score... haha.

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Just had another thought, is anaglyph 3D on your radar at all? Some of these devices would look particularly interesting in 3D with anaglyph glasses, particularly the tabletop and panorama models. You could even pop them out from the screen a little for extra depth and have them float in front of you. As well as anaglyph, it might also be useful to produce side by side 3D for 3D TVs.

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Sounds cool, but I don't have plans to add anaglyph support. But I'll  keep it mind :) Thanks for the suggestion.

This is some high end stuff indeed, many thanks. I was even able to get some of them to run on Xbox One X using Edge browser although there were some issues as described below (at 1080p resolution).

I tried Donkey Kong Multi Screen and it worked really well even in full screen high detail (1080p tv). The xbox controller also worked for DPad control however there was no button assigned to the jump control. To get around this issue I moved the mouse pointer over the top of the jump button and then was able to press the A button on the controller to jump, whilst using the DPad for the controller for movement.

The second one I tried on Xbox was Octopus, this worked fine with Xbox controller as just needs DPad for left and right however when switching to full screen mode it seems to crash webgl on the browser and need to restart Edge to get it working again. Works in non fullscreen mode.

I then tried Wildfire which took me a little while to figure out how to switch the game on (switch is on the side of the device above the right flipper button). I think this game worked ok in fullscreen if I remember correctly, but need to use the same method as donkey kong to launch the ball with controller (place mouse over launch button and use A button).

Lastly I tried Donkey Kong Jr. Panorama screen, this title seemed to crash webgl even without changing to full screen and I didnt get to even see the game device at all.

It's pretty amazing that these games can be even played at all on Xbox in the browser, but hopefully my feedback helps. If you are interested in having me test any more titles on Xbox One then let me know.

Thanks! That's really interesting feedback and much appreciated. I don't have an Xbox to test on but running it on Edge in Windows seems to work without any crashes, although it's noticeably slower than Chrome and Firefox :( 

Perhaps try the following and see if it prevents the crashes on your Xbox. If you're using one of the 3D backgrounds (like chalkboard or collector) try switching to one of the simpler color backgrounds (like classic or dark). Also, maybe try reducing the quality to SD or LD. That should improve performance and hopefully reduce the chance of Edge crashing. These system options apply across all games so set  them on a game that works for you (like Donkey Kong mult screen) and then try running one of the problematic ones to test. 

As for the controller, I will add native controller support at some point, but you may be able to map your Xbox controller buttons to specific actions. Open the game settings (F3) and then select the specific action you want to map under "Keyboard Controls". It should start flashing. Then press the controller button and it *might* assign that button to the action. I would be interested to know if it does!

Thanks again for the feedback and let me know if these suggestions help. 

Hi again, thanks for tips.

In relation to Xbox:

Changing the Xbox button assignment does allow me to change the jump key to "Y" button or shoulder buttons althouth I think it marks the key as unknown but still works. Cannot assign to A or X buttons, can also assign to B button but this causes a conflict as its also used to back out of a webpage.

Changing to SD mode on Octopus does allow the game to run in fullscreen mode (in 1080p at least, unsure if this would also work in 4K screens). If I switch it to HD mode it will flash between the game at full screen and a black screen for a few seconds and then crashes webgl (sad face icon in top left corner of game) and then requires a restart of Edge to get webgl up and running again.

I also tried snoopy tabletop and that works in SD fullscreen but not HD.

Donkey Kong Jr. does not work in any resolution setting even in non full screen mode and just keeps reloading back to the opening title page (I think it crashes webgl eventually but would need to check again). I am wondering if this is perhaps something to do with the mirroring effect method used?

I don't suppose you have any future intention to add "Dragon" by Tiger (also branded Orlitronic in some countries, 1982)? That's one of the more obscure games I had in the 80's and there doesn't seem to be much info on it online, took me a while to even figure out what the game was when I was searching recently as I could only remember the gameplay description and not the name or manufacturer, I did recall that the casing was orange though so that helped a bit and I recognised it when I saw an image online.

Thanks for the feedback. I don't know much about the Dragon  LCD game and unfortunately it's difficult to build a simulation for a game I can't play myself or collaborate with someone who owns it. I will be setting up a companion website (when I have some free time) with a community discussion board where I hope you'll post about this game again. Maybe someone who owns it would be able to provide more information and resources :)

I've prototyped adding support for gamepads :) 
Details can be found here on how to test. 
I'd be interested if it works for your Xbox controller.

Awesome thankyou. It works well on Xbox One Controller on my PC. By default the D-Pad is not active and it uses the left joystick instead. Easy to remap to D-Pad in game but you can only have one or the other, not both it seems.

The start and select buttons are also not mapped to any controller buttons by default, but again easy to map to controller buttons 8 and 9 as shown in your screenshot.

I'll also try it out on my Xbox One using Edge browser and get back to you with results.

Awesome, thanks. I've replied to your post in the discussion forum.

Will you be doing the Tomytronic 3D handhelds at some point?

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Yes :) I have everything to start work on Thundering Turbo  (no idea when though), but I still need to find the instruction guides for the other games in the series. 


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