A downloadable tool for Windows

A prototype that allows you to play RetroFab simulations on your Windows PC. Currently in active development and is subject to change.

RetroFab simulations, currently available to play online, will in the future also be made available for download as SIM files.

This prototype allows you to play these RetroFab SIM files on your Windows PC. I've included a few sample SIM files in the download for you to try out.

This application is currently in active development and is subject to change with each revision. Please report issues and provide suggestions for improvements in the community forum.


Using this application you will be able to play RetroFab simulations on your Windows PC in the following ways:


Run "RetroFab.exe" from the application folder to launch the app.

Click "Open" on the toolbar and select a .sim file to play the selected simulation. I've included a few sample simulation files in the "sims" folder.

Command Line

To start a simulation from the command line (or a third-party game launcher) you can use the following command line syntax:

       RetroFab.exe "[filepath]"

Where [filepath] is the location and name of the simulation file.

File Manager

You can also launch a simulation directly from the Windows file manager by associating .sim files with the RetroFab application.

To set this up right-click on a .sim file and select "Open With...". Then select "Look for another app on this PC" and browse to the RetroFab application folder and select "RetroFab.exe". Check "Always use this app to open .sim files".

Now whenever you open a .sim file through the file manager it will automatically launch the app and load the simulation.


v0.1 (2024.07.24)

  • Basic user interface
  • Open a RetroFab simulation (*.sim)
  • Launch a simulation from the command line


RetroFab for Windows.zip 79 MB